+52 (221) 389 4402
Grupo MAE Nosotros sembramos vida

Sembramos vida


paneles instalados


hogares transformados


kWP de potencia


años de experiencia

Another boring company story … but at least a sustainable one

If this is ok for you, let us tell you our story.

In june 2015, Grupo MAE was literally founded on a solar panel. It was a rainy day, and putting panels on a rooftop in the Mexican city of Toluca, we (the three founders) got aware that we share the same vision: A 100% sustainable energy future with distributed photovoltaic systems. On this roof we created name and logo. MAE are our initials, and the three leafs represent not only ourselves, but also our most important values:

  • Personal sustainability.
  • Occupational sustainability.
  • Environmental sustainability.

In the same year 2015, we finished our first 1 kWP rooftop installation in the Mexican city of Puebla. In 2017, we expanded our business to energy consulting and auditing services with a multimegawatt wind park at the coast of Oaxaca. Only half a year later in march 2018, we collaborated with the Mexican Ministry of Energy to publish the first industry guide for clean energy investments in Mexico. Our business flourished constantly, ans back in october 2020, we installed the one hundred fourth PV system. With this, we accomplished the landmark of 300 kWP of rooftop installations. But not only this: we surpassed our dreams and ambitions we had back in 2015. This gives us the spirit to continue our mission: Get up eberyday with fresh energy to transform the gift of our sun, empowering Mexican families to produce their own electricity and democratizing energy access.

Personal sustainability

We care the relationship with each and every of our customers. You are important to us, and we make sure that we only sell products that benefit you. We will tell you if solar panels are a good, because we want to see you satisfied. This means that we tailor all our projects to satisfy your specific needs and make your dreams come true.

Grupo MAE Sustentabilidad Personal

Occupational sustainability

We assure the quality of all our installations. This is why our electricians are qualified in the standards EC-0586.01 and EC-1181. We apply national and international standards and select our suppliers carefully, considering 21 quality criteria.

We are convinced of our work and offer a performance warranty during the first year of operation.

Sustentabilidad ocupacional

Environmental sustainability

We think this concept is crystal clear. There is no planet B. Our option A is to conserve the places we love for our children.

So they can explore and enjoy our beautiful landscapes the same we did when we were young.

Sustentabilidad ambiental Grupo MAE

Social sustainability

We believe in a distributed and clean energy future. With photovoltaic installations we empower you literally. Producing your own energy, you will be a motor for democratization and public partizipation. We improve the urban desert: our roofs flourish producing green energy. Every distributed energy system mitigates climate change. Let’s fight together against the climate monster!

Your contribution makes a meaningful difference!

monstruo cambio climatico

Our operating area

  • Aguascalientes
  • Mexico City
  • State of Mexico
  • Guanajuato
  • Guerrero
  • Hidalgo
  • Jalisco
  • Michoacán
  • Morelos
  • Oaxaca
  • Puebla
  • Querétaro
  • Tlaxcala
  • Veracruz
Cobertura verde

Our team

More than 50 years of accumulated international expertise.

Arturo Castellanos


Arturo Castellanos

Gerente de Calidad y Operaciones

Arturo is mechatronic engineer, graduated at theMeritorious Autonomous University of Puebla and specialised in automation and renewable energy. In his life before MAE, he developed prototypes for FCE Energías Alternativas.

Chosing between spending time with his family and climbing rooftops, is not easy for him. Both are his passion.

Basel Rafeh


Basel Rafeh

Mercados de Energía (Europa y Medio Oriente)

Basel is the right guy for insurances. During his Business Engineering Master at the Technical University of Brunswick, Germany he specialised in renewable energies. He is also analyst at Hannover Re, a German reinsurance, and deals with risks and force majeaur.

When this sympathic family guy isn’t playing around with numbers, he loves to see his children grow while he is enjoying a well prepared syrian mate.

Javier Belausteguigoitia

Javier Belausteguigoitia

Control de Calidad

Javier helps us out with his process management skills The chemical engineer from the Ibero-American University started his carreer as sales consultant in Enlight and operations manager at Pinturas Nervion.

His curiosity to see the world took him to the rainy Vancouver, but he still advices us from Canada.

Luis Barrios


Luis Barrios

Administración, Control de Calidad

Luis assures the timely and correct installation of your panels, and – of course – they need to apply all standards.

His Quality and Productivity Master Unitec, enabled to administer more than 20 companies like Estafeta and Leucotec. He is also passionate to improve our products and processes constantly.


Rafael Espinoza


With Rafael, you are in safe hands. He is able to dive in any kind of topic, presenting it to you clearly and concisely. His footprints are deep. When he just graduated in Sales and Marketing Administration atTechnological Institute of Ecatepec, he already opened and managed videoclubs. His experience includes sales and marketing activities at companies like Bonafont, Dish, Pepsi and Totalplay.

But nothing compares to the smile of his daughter.

Malte Neumeier


Malte Neumeier

Mercados de Energía (América Latina y Europa)

Malte is passionate about both, renewable energies and science. Like Basel, he helds a Business Engineering Master from Brunswick Technical University, Germany, and he has a long track record in the Mexican renewable industry in companies like Gauss Energía. Currently, when he’s not consulting at Grupo MAE, he leads research projects at the German Aerospace Center one of Germany’s top research facilities.

Lively and light-hearted, he loves to dive into different cultures and languages.

Our strategic alliances

Get to know our partners and associates. We have a excellent business network in Mexico in Germany.

Stiftung Allianz fEuK Logo DE

We are member of the Foundation Development and Climate Alliance.

Logotipo Bright 1

Bright facilitates the change to solar energy, providing premium solar panel leasing services. You don’t worry about any installation and maintenance costs.

Logotipo Insol del Bajio 2021

Insol installs rooftop systems in the Bajio region and at the Yucatán peninsula.

Logo2021 FBlanco

BioAdviser enables us to be at the current state of science and technology.

Zibza Arquitectos

Zibza helps us to design architeconical appealing BIPV systems.

Logotipo Indra Energia solar

Indra installs rooftop systems in the north of Veracruz and south of Tamaulipas.

Excelente servicio y hemos notado la diferencia en el pago de energía eléctrica, muy recomendable está empresa por su seriedad y apoyo.

Benjamín Calva

Excelente servicio, la instalación tardó solo unas horas y quedó muy bien, y el ahorro sí se ve reflejado. Los recomiendo ampliamente.

Jorge Romero

Grupo MAE es una excelente recomendación. Su propuesta de paneles solares fue la mejor en solución técnica y relación calidad-precio. Se distinguen por su formalidad y claridad en todo el proceso desde el presupuesto, aceptación, firma de contrato e instalación. Su seguimiento post venta y asesoría son muy buenos. Obtuvimos ahorros tangibles desde el primer recibo posterior a la instalación. Reducimos el pago bimestral en un 85%.

Jorge Zamudio, Director General, Zibza Arquitectos

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